Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Buy Tickets Now!
Venue: Monty's Banquet's, Bensenville IL
Date: April 21, 2007
Time: 6:00 P.M.
TicketsL $50.
630 926-1564

Monday, March 12, 2007

Driving Lessons for Refugees

march 12, 2007

I am soooo thrilled to let you know that AMWA just scored another little victory! Sr. Amena Tahera and I worked together to accomplish a plan to help the refugees learn to drive. Zakat Foundation is providing the funding and MSI is taking care of the paperwork. Mashallah, we've gotten funding for 10 learners to begin with. Please do dua that this initiative grows bigger and better. Zakat Foundation is paying refugees to teach each other ( we've got a liability-free contract singed by the students) and while this isn't the best of plans, it is a beginning. This took all of two days to organize but a whole lot of persistence and follow up to get the job done. I can't thank Muslim Society Inc. enough for their complete dedication. They have always been accessible even with a few hours notice, and very receptive to getting programs underway, alhamdollilah.

Next on the big picture agenda is having a meeting with District 4's Peter Roskam and the Illinois Dept. of Transport to see if they can make some sort of program available to low income people, to learn to drive, given how essential it is. Anyone interested in initiating this - making the calls to Roskam and IDOT to get a meeting date?

Jazak Allah for your duas. Here's doing growing wider, stronger wings!


Saturday, March 10, 2007

Action Item 1

Amina attended the Dupage County Water Commission meeting on 3/8/07 as part of the group from Dupage United. Essentially, DU is concerned that tax money is being misused and diverted away from the general fund which benefits programs for the elderly, the needy and the youth of Dupage county. The main issues are summed up in this except from a report entitled MONEY DOWN THE DRAIN by Debbie Fulks and Fr. Paul Hottinger DuPage United ( see pink section below for a mini-excerpt ;)...

ALSO, there was an article about this in the Daily Herald today:

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

AMWA - Action Item 1, March 2007

ACTION ITEM 1- March 8, 2007

REMINDER: It's Today!
Water Commission Meeting

Thursday, March 8, 2007

7:30 PM – 8:15 PM

Dupage Water Commission
600 E. Butterfield Rd

PLEASE RSVP TO AMY LAWLESS, only if attending.

Attendance is crucial. Send anyone to it! Every face counts. It is time for the Water Commission and the charter members to stop playing games with taxpayer’s money. While the Water Commission is awash in cash, DuPage County is in desperate need of additional revenue to restore programs that benefit the uninsured, the elderly, and our youth. The county has already failed to get legislative approval for a cigarette sales tax. Rather than the county again seeking legislative approval for a cigarette tax or another increase in sales tax, DuPage United proposes that the Water Commission transfer the ¼ cent sales tax to the county general fund. This is an appropriate and fiscally responsible use for a tax that is no longer needed by the Water Commission.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Our Sunday March 4th Meeting

We had a lot on our agenda this week ladies :

  • Consensus on name (AMWA) or (WAMA) or (MAWA)
  • Intro of members, skills and interests
  • What are individual cause celebres
  • The April 21st fundraiser

Sister Amina was kind enough to write up on the meeting we had March 4th (thank you!)

Here are the minutes: After salaams & duas,

1) Introduction of our members, our goals objectives

2) Discussion of purpose / goals of these meetings

These meetings are meant to be a forum for Muslim Women to build momentum behind issues they feel dearly about, further our work on these issues, broaden our resources and strengthen our voice. It is also allows us to voice our perspectives and those of the communities we are a part of, while networking with other activists.

3) Central Asia Institute (CAI) fundraiser – April 21st (

Sadia told us more about Greg Mortenson ( and his efforts to build schools in Pakistan. He co-authored a book ( which tells the story of how and why he did this. The CAI fundraiser will be Saturday, April 21, 2007 at Monty Banquet Hall, Bensenville. Sadia will compile a list of tasks which Samana will delegate to those who want to help. Sadia also has postcards to pass out which will be ready in a few days (a meeting date/location will be determined to pickup them up for distribution.) We are co-sponsoring this event so it would be great to have help.

4) Dupage United – ( Naazish told us about the work being done with this social and economic change organization. They are currently campaigning against the budgetary slashes for social services for Dupage County’s needy. She mentioned that there is almost no representation from the Muslim community at these meetings. Also, being a part of DuPage United ( or its sister organizations Lake County United, United for Peace and Justice in Cook County) may help us build the skills and contacts for future projects. Check out for an upcoming week long training, in April, being given by Industrial Area Foundation and Mike Gecan. Luminaries in the field. If you're part of a masjid, even informally, then you're a member of CIOGC and will qualify for the member rate of $300 for the training.

5) Action items for the Month of April and March

On March 20th there is a huge rally expected on Immigration Rights. CIOCG is a participant and we need to get as many muslims involved as possible. March 20, 2007 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Ogden Elementary School parking lot (25 E. Walton Street), Chicago, IL

Contact: CCAWR [Email this contact] Sponsor(s): CCAWR, M20 coalition Michigan Avenue Mass Protest against the Iraq War

Thursday, March 8, 2007 DuPage United will be addressing the Water Commission on their use of the ¼ cent sales tax. Naazish also reminds us: Water Commission Meeting Thursday, March 8, 2007 7:30 PM – 8:15 PM Dupage Water CommissionElmhurst 600 E. Butterfield Rd.

Attendance is crucial. Every face counts.

It is time for the Water Commission and the charter members to stop playing games with taxpayer’s money. While the Water Commission is awash in cash, DuPage County is in desperate need of additional revenue to restore programs that benefit the uninsured, the elderly, and our youth. The county has already failed to get legislative approval for a cigarette sales tax. Rather than the county again seeking legislative approval for a cigarette tax or another increase in sales tax, DuPage United proposes that the Water Commission transfer the ¼ cent sales tax to the county general fund. This is an appropriate and fiscally responsible use for a tax that is no longer needed by the Water Commission.

Next Meeting: Date and Venue: TBD

Inception - Welcome to American Muslim Women Activists

March 6, 2007

AMWA (American Muslim Women Activists)


AMWA’s dynamic group of women comprises of journalists, activists, community leaders, TV commentators, think tank members and writers. I think, to get such a diverse group of talents together, is an exceptional networking and meeting opportunity.

Objectives we have for the group:

1. Naazish and Samana felt that we need to ask for Allah’s blessings and to begin and end the session with a dua. Our meetings will become part of our ibadath if we begin it with the intention that we are serving Allah and want his guidance, and end it with thanks and ask for mercy, courage and the ability to pursue our work in His way.

2 Samana feels that our mission is to give confidence to Muslim women, providing a forum where Muslim women can learn and share ideas, strengthen the bonds of sisterhood and offer a platform for activism.

3 Ruby is concerned was that there is inadequate representation of women in the Muslim community, on local and national levels. It is important that we meet regularly and that we affect change via women’s voices and families.

4. Sadia feels that we need to address Muslim misrepresentation in the media, and that we need to focus on outreach amongst non-Muslims and try to figure out how we can use our journalist access to reach the mainstream media. The group needs to focus on turning negatives into positives, as well as being involved in humanitarian, political and social activism.

We welcome all sister’s concerns and causes in our group, for AMWA is a democratic forum of discussion.

Other Goals:

· Set up a website that features a blog and consolidating our writing in one website.

· We need to develop a "terms of use" for the group

· Every month we all focus on one action undertaking. This month we are focusing on our Greg Mortenson fundraiser. Next month we can focus on the community based projects; the refugee aid, Naazish can give us some more information about. Faakiha wants some help with promoting the important work ISPU is doing. Ruby wants some assistance with the September fundraiser of Hamdard.

· Also, if we each could suggest some online petitions that we can sign up for, we'll be making sure that at least our signatures are contributing to strengthening a cause. Some of our suggestions: Amnesty International, and league of conservation voters and

· Naazish suggests we have one action item, per month besides the bigger project we are working on. Who ever can participate… would be great. None of this is obligatory and everyone can offer an idea for all of us to consider. These action items could be anything you make up or something that is already going on in the community, be it Clean Up Forest Preserve Day, Seeing A Play on Human Rights, Going to a reading by an activist, Or Open House for the Block (muslims and non muslims invited) or whatever.

For suggested events:

· Samana feels we can reach out to other sisters and give seminars of information exchange interactive meetings. Topics to address: divorce and infidelity in the Muslim community; health and nutrition, developing a food pyramid that takes into account the kinds of foods traditionally Muslims eat ( i.e. South Asian, Middle Eastern, African, etc.). Hold a campaign to have healthier foods at Muslim restaurants.