March 6, 2007
AMWA (American Muslim Women Activists)
AMWA’s dynamic group of women comprises of journalists, activists, community leaders, TV commentators, think tank members and writers. I think, to get such a diverse group of talents together, is an exceptional networking and meeting opportunity.
Objectives we have for the group:
1. Naazish and Samana felt that we need to ask for Allah’s blessings and to begin and end the session with a dua. Our meetings will become part of our ibadath if we begin it with the intention that we are serving Allah and want his guidance, and end it with thanks and ask for mercy, courage and the ability to pursue our work in His way.
2 Samana feels that our mission is to give confidence to Muslim women, providing a forum where Muslim women can learn and share ideas, strengthen the bonds of sisterhood and offer a platform for activism.
3 Ruby is concerned was that there is inadequate representation of women in the Muslim community, on local and national levels. It is important that we meet regularly and that we affect change via women’s voices and families.
4. Sadia feels that we need to address Muslim misrepresentation in the media, and that we need to focus on outreach amongst non-Muslims and try to figure out how we can use our journalist access to reach the mainstream media. The group needs to focus on turning negatives into positives, as well as being involved in humanitarian, political and social activism.
We welcome all sister’s concerns and causes in our group, for AMWA is a democratic forum of discussion.
Other Goals:
· Set up a website that features a blog and consolidating our writing in one website.
· We need to develop a "terms of use" for the group
· Every month we all focus on one action undertaking. This month we are focusing on our Greg Mortenson fundraiser. Next month we can focus on the community based projects; the refugee aid, Naazish can give us some more information about. Faakiha wants some help with promoting the important work ISPU is doing. Ruby wants some assistance with the September fundraiser of Hamdard.
· Also, if we each could suggest some online petitions that we can sign up for, we'll be making sure that at least our signatures are contributing to strengthening a cause. Some of our suggestions: Amnesty International, and league of conservation voters and· Naazish suggests we have one action item, per month besides the bigger project we are working on. Who ever can participate… would be great. None of this is obligatory and everyone can offer an idea for all of us to consider. These action items could be anything you make up or something that is already going on in the community, be it Clean Up Forest Preserve Day, Seeing A Play on Human Rights, Going to a reading by an activist, Or Open House for the Block (muslims and non muslims invited) or whatever.
For suggested events:
· Samana feels we can reach out to other sisters and give seminars of information exchange interactive meetings. Topics to address: divorce and infidelity in the Muslim community; health and nutrition, developing a food pyramid that takes into account the kinds of foods traditionally Muslims eat ( i.e. South Asian, Middle Eastern, African, etc.). Hold a campaign to have healthier foods at Muslim restaurants.